Holy moly! 30 weeks! I can't believe we're at this point! Believe me, I feel THAT pregnant, but it's still hard to believe we're that close to being parents to a human baby! Kitties...no problem...human baby-whole new experience! ;0)
So here goes...
How far along: 30 weeks and 1 day!
How big is baby Jaden: More than likely this boy is right around or just over 3 lbs! He's getting heavy! He's measuring about 15-16 inches in length. His brain is developing very rapidly. He is shedding the Lanugo (hair that covers the body)and he would now be able to control his body temperature if born prematurely. One of the websites says he is now "playing quite vigorously" I'd have to agree with that one, lol! This boy is active now!
Weight Gain: 30 lbs (roughly...I still need to weigh myself this week, but given that with the fierce heartburn I've had this week/nausea I haven't eaten as much, I doubt I've gained more than that).
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I have as a matter of fact apparently outgrown my maternity shorts. They look quite humerous on me at this point! So long pants in the heat it is! I ordered my dress for the photos, shower and wedding! Hoping and praying it fits! It's very pretty and navy blue (As in we're having a little boy ;) woo hoo!Yes I'm that cheesy!)
Sleep: Need I go there! Really?! To add to the previously listed discomforts and culprits for lack of sleep....leg cramps seem to be a new developement over the last couple of weeks.
Best moment of the week: Finding gifts from fellow bloggers/friends in my mailbox/on my doorstep! It made my week! Love you guys!
Of course watching our littl jumping bean boogeying all day and night is on the top of the list too!
My parents also bought us the rest of the car accessories for our shower gift so this little boy is ready for his first road trip!!!
Foods I love/hate: pretty much hasn't changed
Movement: Oh yeah! All hours of the day/night! Lol! :)
Morning Sickness: Yes, but I really think it's just from the heartburn. It's been so bad sometimes that it hurts to eat and of course if I don't eat when I'm hungry I feel very nauseous.
I cannot believe you are 30 weeks already, it seems like only yesterday I was reading your first post about being pregnant! Hope your dress makes you feel pretty, look forward to seeing pictures! Have fun celebrating that hubby of yours x
ReplyDeleteI had those with Lane. They were HORRIBLE!!! I don't know how I ever managed not waking Ron up screaming from the pain!!