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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The apron...

Here it is...I love it! Although next time I'll make the sides a little wider. I removed about 4 inches from my original design (which was way too large for me) but after I cut it...I guess I should have only taken off maybe 2?! It's pretty basic, but it serves it's purpose. Other than that though it's great. Not to mention I LOVE THE FABRIC. It matches my green theme in my kitchen.


  1. should see some of Tea's aprons. She inspired this one. I kept seeing the ones she was making and I finally tried. She always added the cute belt and buttons.

  2. Nadine,
    You did such a good job! Mine were even more basic in their shape. Yours looks so cute! I bet it's fun to put it on and work around the kitchen. :)
